Hi there. I'm Sof. I’m a Malaysian artist that’s a doodler, illustrator, painter, animator and storyteller. I doodle comics about my life experiences and feelings in hopes that it will help others feel less alone in their feelings.
— SofsDoodles
Here are projects SofsDoodles has been funded to do or involved in.
SofsDoodles at George Town Festival
SofsDoodles projection mapping animation created for George Town Festival Virtual Artist Residency "Light's On"
“I Got Covid”
SofsDoodles is part of an art collective named Dream Big. Dream Big’s animation short “I Got Covid” became a finalist in George Town Festival G-Short Short Film Festival. The festival, with the theme “Reimagine: A New Way of Seeing” had 637 submission and accepted 30 finalist.
Animator: Chadel Soon
Illustrator and Video Editor: SofsDoodles
Missy D “Paint” Music Video
Created a storyboard and illustrated a music video for Missy D, a Vancouver based hip hop, rap & soul artist